Phone: (716) 853-1101 | 625 Delaware Ave. Suite 410, Buffalo, NY 14202

Agents of Social Change: Community Engagement


The 2016 Agents of Social Change Conference, sponsored by the Niagara County Coalition of Services to the Homeless, Niagara University, and the Homeless Alliance of Western New York, will be March 4, 2016 at the Doris Jones Family Resource Building, from 9:00AM to 3:30PM.

The official page is here.

The keynote speaker is Paul Hogan of the Oishei Foundation, speaking on trends in philanthropy. John Klein-Geltink will speak about Operation Sharing of Ontario. The tentative schedule can be found here.

There are also the following breakout sessions planned (details here):

  • Earned Income Tax Credits-Robbie Dunn
  • Pints for Progress/Live NF-Phil Mohr and/or Lana Perlman
  • Strickland Model/NFCAT-BCAT Satellite Initiative-Natalie Beilein, David Taylor, PhD and Bonnie Kane, PhD
  • Transportation Forum-Urban & Rural – Kelly Dixon, Sandra Barillari, and Tracy Reed
  • Veteran’s One Stop-Niagara County-Roger Woodworth & Alex Lauer
  • Isaiah 61 and Literacy Zone-Rev. Kevin M. Wing, Joe Steinmetz, Chuck Diemert and Tonya Moore
  • YWCA Culinary Program and Social Enterprise-Jennifer Stoll, PhD and Chef Mollie McDonough

Tickets are $20 and registration must be by March 1. Register here!
