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[Request for Proposals] 2021 CoC Planning Grant


Aug 21


Full 2021 CoC Planning RFP (.pdf) – Updated 9/14/2021

2021 CoC Planning RFP Application Form (.docx)

2021 CoC Planning RFP Budget Worksheet (.xlsx)

Updated 9/14/2021

Homeless Alliance of WNY (HAWNY) is the Continuum of Care and HMIS lead for Erie, Niagara, Genesee, Wyoming, and Orleans County. HAWNY is the recipient of the CoC Planning funds awarded by HUD during the last CoC competition. We are looking to subcontract a portion of this grant to improve homeless service coordination within the 5 county region.

Eligible entities: non-for-profit organizations, for profit organizations, researcher professionals

Amount: a maximum of $200,000 will be awarded among all categories. 

Term: Maximum one year, with the possibility of it being renewable dependent upon continued HUD funding. We expect to select a majority of the projects before September 15, 2021 and execute the contract as soon as we receive a contract from HUD. This is an open RFP and there is no deadline for the submission of proposals.

Match requirement: a minimum of 25% of the requested amount. Can be in-kind or cash match.

Eligible activities: Funds cannot be used as direct service to clients. Funds can be used to coordinate services, creating strategies/ partnerships to improve system outcomes, providing training to case managers etc. Operating costs may be included for travel, office space, phone etc. Admin costs such as supervision are not eligible through this grant.

Applicant can apply for one or more areas below:

  1. Coordination of Veterans Services
  • Assist in the coordination of VA and CoC resources to ensure that Veterans who are experiencing homelessness receive services and being prioritized based on CoC Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures.
  • Improve system outcomes such as reducing length of stay in emergency and transitional housing by 20% and are permanently and stably housed as quickly as possible (target is within 90 days of the clients accepting an offer of housing).
  • Assist in the coordination of the Veteran By-Name list and meetings.
  • work collaboratively with the VA, GPD, VASH, SSVF and CoC homeless providers to coordinate services to prevent and end Veterans homelessness.
  1. Landlord Engagement Services
  • identify permanent housing options within the CoC service area for clients who are experiencing homelessness as well as those who are connected to CoC/ESG funded programs and looking for housing.
  • Educate landlords on CoC/ESG programs.
  • Provide training for CoC/ESG providers, including but not limited to landlord/tenant law, HQS/Habitability inspection criteria.
  • Engage with CoC/ESG funded programs and tailor the program to their needs.
  1. Research Projects

Research could be qualitative or quantitative. Research topics must tie to improving system performance in order to reach the goal of ending homelessness. End product must include improvement strategies. Topics could include but are not limited to:

  • Coordinated Entry Evaluation: evaluate the effectiveness, fairness of coordinated entry via existing data. Clients and provider’s feedback on system improvements.
  • Racial equity: solicit input and strategies from people with lived expertise and Black, Indigenous, Latinx and people of color in ending homelessness
  • Prevention homelessness: Use multi-system data to analyze what populations should be targeted to prevent homelessness. 
  1. SOAR Lead
    • Encourage homeless service providers to provide SOAR services
    • Collect local success rate in SOAR applications.
    • Training and provide information on SOAR to homeless service providers
    • Collaborate/create partnership with Social security, hospital and other entities to improve the SOAR process and success rate 
  2. Trainings for homeless service providers, including frontline staff and supervisor. Training materials must tailor to homeless services providers and trainers should be experienced in providing services to this population.  This category is not required to provide a match. However, a match would be appreciated if possible.

Training include but not limited to 

  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Harm reduction
  • Housing First
  • Progressive engagement
  • Shared housing
  • Racial equity
  • Staff retention and supervision
  • Leadership training on leading to end homelessness

Reporting requirements:

Applicants must detail how this project can benefit participants in CoC funded housing programs and use specific measurements to prove that the project has a direct impact on improving employment. Quarterly reports on measurements set by the applicants will be required to submit to HAWNY.

Compliance requirements:

Applicants must comply with financial draws that will be developed with the Homeless Alliance in compliance with all HUD regulations and generally accepted accounting principles. The applicant agrees to allow the Homeless Alliance or their representative access to all financial records, time sheets and other records to confirm compliance with HUD regulations.

Continuum of Care federal regulations – 24 CFR 578

Application and budget worksheet:

Please complete the 2021 CoC Planning RFP Application Form and the 2021 CoC Planning RFP Budget Worksheet. The application requires a statement of need, proposed benefit, project narrative, budget narrative, and scope of services. The budget worksheet must include budget details on salary, fringe, other program expenses, and sources of match. The budget worksheet also requires information about each funded position through the proposed FY2021 CoC Planning project to include position, position description, wages, fringe benefits, and time allocation. 

All proposals must be submitted electronically to Kexin Ma at [email protected].

Open deadline. This RFP will remain open until all HUD Planning funds are allocated.

The Homeless Alliance reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals or to accept or reject proposals in full or in part.