HSS is Home Stability Support, a proposed statewide rental supplement for families and individuals who are eligible for public assistance benefits and who are facing eviction, homelessness, or loss of housing due to domestic violence or hazardous living conditions. HSS will be a bridge between the current shelter allowance and 85% of the Fair Market Rent determined by HUD.
Currently, HSS has support from over 100 assembly members in New York State. However, we are still seeking support from state senators, including the five who represent our broader Western New York region.
Call, email, or tweet your state senator and ask him to vote in favor of Home Stability Support.
District 59—Senator Patrick Gallivan:
District 60—Senator Chris Jacobs:
District 61—Senator Mike Ranzenhofer
District 62—Senator Robert Ortt
District 63—Senator Tim Kennedy
Aren’t sure who your state senator is? Find out here: https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator
You can support HSS by signing up and agreeing to take part in future advocacy efforts this year. Visit this link: https://goo.gl/forms/ThGH84s4iqhMc8SB2
If you want to help spread the word about HSS, you can download a printable PDF of the information found on this page.
For more information, visit the HSS campaign website: http://homestabilitysupport.com/