The point of the Poverty Challenge is to be aware of the choices we make that we may take for granted, not necessarily live within the budget each day (though, if you feel you can, you are encouraged to try to live within the budget and record that experience).
Many people living in poverty are just one or two steps away from being homeless because they are unable to meet all the expenses they have. You, as well, will likely be unable to stay within the budget. That is fine, but you should try to avoid debt as much as possible by reducing your expenses in any way you can.
Whether it is cable TV, using the internet at home, your car, or even just coffee drinks that you buy during the day, it is important to show solidarity with those who can’t make the choice of purchasing such luxuries.
Each day, guiding questions are provided for you to think about. If you choose to do so, please write some of your thoughts. If you would like to have your thoughts about the poverty budget available for the community, e-mail them to [email protected].
Let them know you are taking part in this experience. Talk to them about what you are learning from it.