NY-508 Rapid Rehousing Policies and Procedures Manual Template
We recommend all rapid rehousing adopt the NY-508 Rapid rehousing Policies and Procedure Manual Template. This template outlines key policies to include in Rapid rehousing project. It provides rent calculation guideline that the CoC set, as well as sample forms/checklists.
Additional Rapid rehousing related HUD resources/training materials could be found here.
HAWNY By-Laws Amended July 2022
The CoC governance charter is the document that formally documents how responsibilities are assigned
within the CoC, and the expectations associated with how the work will be conducted. It should allow all members of the CoC to understand how the CoC operated and how decisions are made- essentially, it should make the CoC’s operating procedures and decision-making processes transparent to anybody who is interested in reviewing the document.
CoC Written standards, along with Coordinated Entry Policy and Procedure are to establish policies and procedures for :
The Written Standards were originally approved in April 2014, most recent updated in September 2023.
Coordinated Entry Policy and Procedure can be found here.
PRISM – NY-508’s 10 Year Plan (Original, 2006)
Opening Doors: Buffalo and Erie County’s Plan to End Homeless (2012 Update)
10 Year Plan to End Homelessness Progress Report 17 August 2016
Amended update approved by the CoC on August 17, 2016.
See CoC Funding Competition (page)
Annually, HUD releases a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for federal funding for CoC Homeless Assistance Programs funding. It is a collaborative application process – each CoC submits both a Consolidated Application – a community profile of homeless housing and services and its action plan and each of the programs submit individual Project Applications from the CoC.
HMIS & CoC Monitoring Policies and Procedures
CoC Planning Grant – Monitoring Risk Assessment
The purpose of these documents is to provide guidance for conducting Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and Continuum of Care (CoC) monitoring. Based on the HMIS Proposed Rule 580.9 (e) and Section 578.7 of the CoC Program Interim Rule, the lead agency (The Homeless Alliance of WNY) is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance by all Covered Homeless Organizations (CHOs) with all HUD requirements and will report compliance to the Continuum of Care and HUD. Each agency has signed an Agency Participation Agreement with The Homeless Alliance of WNY explicitly stating that they will be monitored. Each agency will be monitored at minimum every three years.
HAWNY letter of support policy
This document is meant to assist those who are looking for letters of support
This document is a consent form to be signed by the person experiencing homelessness to allow their information to be documented and shared in HMIS.